
Posts Tagged ‘Plain-Dealer’

Noise in Cleveland, part 2

December 15, 2008 Leave a comment

I got a copy of the lawsuit music critic Don Rosenberg filed against the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Cleveland Orchestra. Most of the best stuff was in the NYT story I mentioned yesterday but it’s worth a look.

Many, many music critics are supporting Rosenberg. A letter of support from the Music Critics Association of North America and a list of names is near the end of the document.

I read some of Rosenberg’s criticism online, including two reviews of Messiaen performances (here and here). Rosenberg seems honest and he knows the music well. A competent, veteran music critic deserves better than this.

Epilogue: I tried to post a comment about Rosenberg on the Plain Dealer website and it magically disappeared. Surprise, surprise.

Noise in Cleveland

December 13, 2008 1 comment

From the New York Times, my favorite story of the week:

The Cleveland Plain-Dealer recently reassigned its classical music critic, Donald Rosenberg, who has a history of writing concert reviews critical of the Cleveland Orchestra and its conductor. Rosenberg fired back at the orchestra with a lawsuit, saying they had campaigned for his removal. The sheer juiciness is impressive. Read more…