
Posts Tagged ‘Ian Scholfield’

Funny/upsetting/but mostly funny

December 13, 2008 4 comments

Somehow I hadn’t seen this video before band practice Friday:

Thanks to Ian for showing it to me. I laughed until I cried. We compared it to this classic:

I actually built a 3-minute electronic piece out of samples from the shovel head when I was in college. The shovel sounds like a spooky church bell when you slow it down, and the kid’s anguished scream sounds even more disturbing when you mess with the pitch.

There are no plans to release the shovel piece under the name Nuts + Berries.

Bedsit rehearsal

December 13, 2008 Leave a comment

The Bedsit Infamy rehearsed Friday night because our show is 10 p.m. tonight at the Larimer Lounge. Let me show you what it’s like to be in this band.

Billy shows off his guitar chops:

Billy guitar
Ian plays the drums even though he’s tired:
ian on drums
Brad screws around on iTunes between songs (and during songs with long breaks in the bass part).
Brad without the bass

Thanks to Sara for the photos.
Hope to see some of you at the show tonight. Tickets are here.