
Posts Tagged ‘Brad Turner’

I listen to music on Q2 all day

A quick plug for a new Internet station I just discovered a few days ago:

Q2 is a New York-based online radio station playing modern classical music, for lack of a better description. They play a mix of pieces by well-known composers like Steve Reich and Philip Glass along with pieces by lesser-known composers. Also, they link every piece they play to ArkivMusic, so you can buy something instantly if you hear something you love. I’m smitten.

Highlights from today:

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‘People think this state is a bunch of mountain man ski bums living in the forest with our animal friends’

Junior’s Cave, an online indie music magazine, just published a Nuts + Berries interview, I talk about the concept of laptop punk, why DFA Records and the Talking Heads are a big inspiration to me, and how the rest of the world looks at Colorado.

We also discussed how online music services like Tunecore, Sonicbids and Dropcards are changing the industry and creating room for acts like Nuts + Berries. Enjoy.

Bedsit rehearsal

December 13, 2008 Leave a comment

The Bedsit Infamy rehearsed Friday night because our show is 10 p.m. tonight at the Larimer Lounge. Let me show you what it’s like to be in this band.

Billy shows off his guitar chops:

Billy guitar
Ian plays the drums even though he’s tired:
ian on drums
Brad screws around on iTunes between songs (and during songs with long breaks in the bass part).
Brad without the bass

Thanks to Sara for the photos.
Hope to see some of you at the show tonight. Tickets are here.